Irawan KarsenoChair

    Irawan Karseno is known as a contemporary artist who was born in Surabaya, December 5, 1960. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology (1977), who then continued his Masters in Management, Marketing Department at STIE Jakarta (1997). According to Irawan Karseno, advancing the arts requires support from various parties, both from the government and society as a whole. He is the founder of Irawan Karseno Art’s which operates in the field of consulting services and procurement of art works.

    Some solo exhibitions that have been held by Irawan Karseno include a solo exhibition at the Indonesian-French Cultural Center, Bandung (1984), a solo exhibition at the Hilton Executive Club, Jakarta (1997 and 2004), a solo exhibition Piccaso Clown & Stupid King at Essence Gallery, Jakarta (1998), a solo exhibition Apa Salah Mu Bunga? at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta (1999), solo exhibition at Millenium Gallery, Jakarta (2002), solo exhibition LOVE, at Red Millis Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, United States (2004), solo exhibition TRUE LIES Sokka Gallery, Jakarta (2006), solo exhibition Sekali Lagi Untuk Keusuk at Galeri Cemara, Jakarta (2010) and solo exhibition BELIEVE IT OR NOT, at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta (2012).

    The Chairperson of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) for the 2015 to 2018 period has participated in various joint exhibitions, including the Urban Project joint exhibition at the Millenium Gallery, Jakarta (2001), the Nusantara joint exhibition at the National Gallery, Jakarta (2002), the Abstrak Contemporary joint exhibition at Gallery 678, Jakarta (2003), the Intimate Colour joint exhibition at Fego Gallery, Jakarta (2004), the Indonesia Contemporary Art joint exhibition, a touring exhibition in European countries, the Indonesian Fine Arts Foundation (2004), the Abstrak Coret joint exhibition (Installation Project), Cemara Gallery, Jakarta (2005), the Manifesto joint exhibition at the National Gallery, Jakarta (2009), the icad I joint exhibition in Jakarta (2009), the icad II joint exhibition in Jakarta (2011).

    Irawan Karseno was also involved in the Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD) 2018 event. The event was held on October 18-November 30, 2018 at the Grandkemang Hotel, Jakarta.

    Imagination and critical thinking are the keys to change. Therefore, art is a fundamental prerequisite for the realization of democracy. Support us in establishing policies that fully advocate for artists.