Kelas Advokasi Kebijakan Seni Indonesia (AKSI)

What is arts policy? How do we change it to suit our needs?

Learn the know-how in the Indonesian Arts Policy Advocacy Class (Kelas AKSI)!
Watch the introductory videos below:

Of course you’ll need more than two videos to understand arts policy advocacy. You should download the following modules on “Learning the Indonesian Arts Policy Advocacy” here (currently only available in Indonesian language):

Learning the Indonesian Arts Policy Advocacy – Introduction

Learning the Indonesian Arts Policy Advocacy – Method

Finished watching the videos and reading the books but still have a lot of questions? Join the Kelas AKSI, which will be held soon in the second semester of 2021!

This year’s kelas AKSI can only be attended by members of Koalisi Seni. If you’re not a member of Koalisi Seni, look forward to join Kelas AKSI in 2022 📅

Imagination and critical thinking are the keys to change. Therefore, art is a fundamental prerequisite for the realization of democracy. Support us in establishing policies that fully advocate for artists.