/   Kabar Seni

Jakarta, November 1, 2024 – Koalisi Seni participated in a public discussion program organized by Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD) titled “Barriers and Efforts to Enhance Artists’ Mobility” at Hotel GrandKemang, Jakarta. The discussion aimed to explore various challenges faced by Indonesian artists in accessing international programs and interregional mobility within the country. Featuring speakers from various art fields, the event was moderated by Ratri Ninditya, Research Coordinator at Koalisi Seni, who facilitated the exchange of experiences and perspectives on the challenges of mobility.

The issue of access disparity was a key highlight of the discussion. Although there are increasing programs and funding opportunities to support artists’ overseas mobility, such opportunities are still far more accessible to artists from developed countries. According to UNESCO’s Reshaping Policies for Creativity 2022 report, passport holders from developed nations typically enjoy visa-free access to 169 countries. In contrast, artists from developing countries like Indonesia have access to only 86 countries. Within ASEAN, Indonesia’s passport ranking at sixth place behind Thailand on the 2024 Passport Index further underscores the challenges faced by local artists seeking international opportunities.

Nova Ruth, a musician from Malang and one of the speakers, shared her unique experience overcoming mobility challenges by creating through the Arka Kinari ship. She built the vessel as a mobile stage, sailing from one location to another. However, she often encountered varying regulatory barriers in different coastal regions. Nova noted, “The challenge of mobility at coastal areas lies in the ever-changing regulations, which vary from one region to another and change very quickly. Additionally, Indonesia lacks regulations for private vessels, even though we are a maritime nation.”

Besides international mobility, interregional travel within Indonesia also presents its own set of challenges. Rebecca Kezia, an independent practitioner in performing arts, highlighted the high costs of transporting stage props, which often lead artists to strategize by selecting simpler props or prioritizing travel for non-performance purposes, such as residencies or workshops. She added that traveling within Indonesia can be just as expensive, or even more so, than traveling abroad. This becomes a significant obstacle to artistic creation and capacity development when seeking to expand or gain new knowledge from other regions.

The right to freedom of movement, as part of artistic freedom, was also emphasized during the discussion. According to Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Articles 12(3) and 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, mobility is a fundamental right for artists and their works, both domestically and internationally. However, Indonesia has yet to implement specific policies to support artists’ mobility in global or domestic contexts. Rainda Cuaca from the 100% Manusia Film Festival highlighted the heavy and complicated visa requirements imposed by several countries. She explained that for film festival organizers, traveling is essential for networking and building relationships with international film distributors willing to send films digitally to Indonesia, a country still widely perceived as a hub for piracy.

Amanda Ariawan from Indonesian Contemporary Art and Design echoed similar concerns, stating that barriers to artists’ and artworks’ mobility hinder inclusivity in exhibitions and the exchange of goods. “I’m active in galleries, in the buying and selling of artwork, and interacting with collectors. Often, collectors decide not to buy a piece, not because it’s too expensive, but due to the high shipping costs. This is a missed opportunity for Indonesian artists aiming to penetrate the international market.”

Through this discussion, Koalisi Seni hopes concrete steps can be taken to pave the way for Indonesian artists to develop their careers and bring cultural expression to the global stage, while ensuring that artistic freedom is protected and facilitated.

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