/   Kabar Seni

AKSI Class: Workshop “Do Not Accept Regional Cultural Policy Recommendations as They Are” Photo: Koalisi Seni/Ichlasul Amal

Jakarta, September 30, 2024 – Koalisi Seni, through its AKSI (Art Policy Advocacy) Class, recently held a series of workshops and discussions titled “Do Not Accept Regional Cultural Policy Recommendations as They Are” from August to September 2024.

These workshops and discussions were initiated based on assessments conducted by Koalisi Seni in three cities—Makassar, Medan, and Kupang. The assessment revealed the need to enhance the capacity of cultural practitioners so they can actively participate in drafting their respective Regional Cultural Policy Recommendations (PPKD).

To address this, Koalisi Seni organized a workshop from August 23-25, 2024, in Jakarta, bringing together cultural practitioners, including artists and academics from these cities. The goal was to strengthen their knowledge and skills in developing well-structured PPKD that align with technical guidelines while also formulating advocacy and monitoring strategies.

During the workshop, Tata Yunita from Komunitas Film Kupang shared that she only learned about PPKD this year through Koalisi Seni’s assessment. However, after the workshop, she committed to encouraging her fellow arts and culture collectives in her region to actively participate in PPKD formulation and voice their aspirations.

Additionally, Koalisi Seni organized three public discussion sessions for the Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, and Sulawesi regions on September 12, 19, and 23, 2024. These discussions aimed to raise awareness among cultural practitioners about their role in development planning through PPKD.

In one of the discussions, Makassar-based artist Ibe S. Palogai emphasized that PPKD is a crucial concept for cultural advancement in Indonesia. Simply put, PPKD serves as a “guide” or “compass” outlining fundamental ideas on how a region wishes to develop its culture.

Meanwhile, Koalisi Seni’s Organizational Development and Partnership Manager, Oming Putri, participated in the public discussion of the Kalajala 2024 – Seeing Water Work program, themed “Regional Cultural Policy Recommendations and Public Engagement”, organized by Gulung Tukar in Tulungagung. The discussion was also attended by Monis Pandu Hapsari (Cultural Activist, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology), representatives from the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), the Tourism and Culture Office, and members of the Tulungagung PPKD drafting team.

Kalajala 2024 – Seeing Water Work | Kala Wicara: PPKD and Public Engagement Photo: Gulung Tukar/Marta Prawira Yekti

Moderated by Benny Widyo, the discussion explored how PPKD can help cultural practitioners plan, document, and respond to local cultural dynamics while ensuring that PPKD outcomes are accessible and beneficial to the public.

Oming Putri highlighted that PPKD can be a strategic tool for artists to influence policies in favor of cultural practitioners and the broader community. “PPKD allows cultural planning to start at the grassroots level. However, artist involvement in PPKD drafting remains very low, as shown by Koalisi Seni’s assessments in Medan, Makassar, and Kupang,” she stated.

Through these workshops and discussions hosted by Koalisi Seni and Gulung Tukar, it is hoped that knowledge about PPKD will be more widely disseminated among cultural practitioners and local governments.

For more information on PPKD and Cultural Advancement, visit pemajuankebudayaan.or.id, ppkd.kemendikbud.go.id, and monevppkd.kemendikbud.go.id.

Written by: Amalia Ikhlasanti

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