With the right courses and coaches, online classes can help to lift your spirit and sensibilities. This is the case for participants of Intensive Short Courses held by Gudskul in partnership with Koalisi Seni in July to August of 2021.
Gudskul’s online classes aims to educate people on the practice and meaning of arts in our daily lives. Members of Koalisi Seni participated on this initiative. Hikmat Darmawan and Kedai Buku Jenny (KBJ) each took part as mentor of classes on “Looking Into Popular Culture with Critical Mindfulness” and “Managing Creative Spaces”, respectively.
Sakdiyah Mar’ruf, a stand-up comedian who also participated in the class “Looking Into Popular Culture with Critical Mindfulness” said that joining the short course was one of the best thing she experienced during the pandemic. Sakdiyah also mentioned that she has always been interested in popular culture, and participating in this class has reconnected her love towards the subject.
“My experience in the class was like meeting an old love whom I allowed to have, how can I not be happy about that. Besides, I also found a topic for my next research,” Sakdiyah explained.
Meanwhile, Cestya Parahita Widagdo, shared her pleasant memories during the “Managing Creative Spaces” class. To Cestya, KBJ is not just a creative space, but also a medium for young people to discuss various topics through different mediums.
In her opinion, classes like “Managing Creative Spaces” could help stimulate our sensibilities towards each other. Through her experience, Cestya realized how important collective power is at a time of crisis.
“Gudskul and Koalisi Seni has given me the opportunity to meet and learn from other people. These short courses were being held online, but they still could help us understand the circumstances that other people and their communities were under,” said Cestya when being asked about the takeaways of her learning process.
Being held online, Gudskul Intensive Short Courses were able to bring together art practitioners from various locations. Cestya, for instance, joined the class from Jakarta, whilst Sakdiyah did the class from Batang, Central Java. Hikmat delivered his materials through his laptop in Jakarta, meanwhile the KBJ team taught their class from Makassar.
In response to the public’s enthusiasm towards these online classes, Koalisi Seni has once again join forces with Gudskul Short Course. This time, two members of Koalisi Seni will participate as speakers for the webinar. They are Beng Rahadian (for the class “90 Years of Indonesian Comic Strip: How Can It Survive on September 19th 2021) and In-Docs (for the class “How To Fund Your Documentaries” on September 26th 2021). Two other members of Koalisi Seni will participate on the intensive classes, which consists of six meetings in total. They are FX Harsono (for the class “Making Research-Based Artworks” starting from October 12th 2021) and GoodNews Film (for the class “Music and Documentaries” starting from October 14th 2021). Irama Nusantara have also kindly committed to share parts of their earning from the “Naughty Compilation: Making Mixtape of Indonesian Pop Music (starting from October 11th 2021) for Koalisi Seni’s advocacy.
For further information and registrations, you can visit gudskul.art/shortcourse2021.
Have a wonderful memory on your online classes!
(Ghina Prameswari Prabowo)